
unMessage’s installation is done in three steps:

  1. Install requirements
  2. Use a virtual environment
  3. Install unMessage


Install the following requirements via package manager:

$ # If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc libffi-dev libopus0 \
  libsodium-dev libssl-dev portaudio19-dev python-dev python-tk

$ # If using Fedora
$ sudo dnf install gcc libffi-devel libsodium-devel \
  openssl-devel opus portaudio-devel python-devel \
  redhat-rpm-config tkinter

If you have tor installed, make sure its version is at least

$ tor --version

If you must update it or do not have it installed, check the version provided by the package manager:

$ # If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ apt-cache show tor

$ # If using Fedora
$ dnf info tor

If the version to be provided is not at least, you will have to set up Tor’s package repository. Once you have a repository which can provide an updated tor, install it:

$ # If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install tor

$ # If using Fedora
$ sudo dnf install tor

Using a Virtual Environment

Install virtualenv, pip and setuptools:

$ # If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

$ # If using Fedora
$ sudo dnf install python-virtualenv

Use a virtual environment:

$ virtualenv ~/unmessage-env      # create
$ . ~/unmessage-env/bin/activate  # activate
(unmessage-env)$                  # prompt shows which environment is active

Update setuptools, pip and virtualenv:

(unmessage-env)$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
(unmessage-env)$ pip install --upgrade pip
(unmessage-env)$ pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Make sure that the update installs at least pip 8 and setuptools 19.4.


Finally, install unMessage:

(unmessage-env)$ pip install unmessage

Launch unMessage with any of the commands:

(unmessage-env)$ unmessage-gui  # graphical user interface (GUI)
(unmessage-env)$ unmessage-cli  # command-line interface (CLI)
(unmessage-env)$ unmessage      # last interface used

Make sure to activate the virtual environment whenever you wish to use unMessage:

$ . ~/unmessage-env/bin/activate

As well as deactivate it when you are done:

(unmessage-env)$ deactivate


pip can also be used to update unMessage:

(unmessage-env)$ pip install --upgrade unmessage


unMessage offers usage instructions for both interfaces: Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command-line Interface (CLI).


All files used by unMessage are saved in ~/.config/unMessage/